Tag: zero gravity

The number one lesson I learned from the solar eclipse

Our recent eclipse experience taught me a number of things.  I learned a lot about the science of eclipses, and that the reason that they occur is that the moon is 400 times closer to earth than the sun, but that also exactly 400 times smaller, meaning that when they line up once every 18 […]

The Zero Gravity pictures are in!

I’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the images taken on board the Zero Gravity flight  by photographer Al Powers, and here they are. Pre flight briefing. Waiting for zero gravity to kick in. Here we go! Edit Chasing candy  PacMan style I was never going to compete with these moves! On exiting the plane […]

My Zero Gravity experience

After a cruisy couple of days in LA catching up with friends and doing a little shopping, it was time for the purpose of the trip – a zero gravity flight with Zero Gravity Corporation. I got the worst nights sleep ever, partially because I was so excited and partially because I was freaking out […]