Tag: hawaii

My top Hawaii tips

We’ve just returned from our fifth consecutive Christmas holiday in Hawaii and a number of people have asked me to share some of my top Hawaii tips so here they are! Each year we stay at the beautiful Royal Hawaiian Hotel, which has occupied prime position on Waikiki beach since 1927.  The Hawaiian word for […]

Flying over a live volcano #throughglass

Today, we had an awesome experience taking a helicopter tour over the Big Island and more specifically, over the active Kilauea volcano. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and its current eruption dating back to January 1983 is one of the worlds  longest lived continual eruptions. It has produced enough […]

What’s your happy place?

We all need a happy place; that location or activity that allows us to switch off mentally and transports us to a different mindset. Apparently this is one of the great benefits of meditation, but no matter how hard, I try meditation doesn’t float my boat. I just find myself using the time to make […]