Spring Sunshine in Stockholm

I love the euphoria that accompanies the arrival of spring in Europe. I don’t think as Australians we can ever really appreciate just how good it must be to feel the warmth of the sun again after a long dark winter, but we can certainly jump in and enjoy the sense of fun as people embrace outdoor dining and spending every moment possible outside. 

A trip to Stockholm for Eurovision coincided with some perfect spring weather that meant we got to see this beautiful city at its finest. 

We wandered through the old town, with the narrow cobblestone streets revealing unexpected views every time we turned a corner. 

I did love this shop window that we stumbled across wholly devoted to a female superhero display!

From there we headed past the palace, 

across the bridge by Parliament House, with a glimpse of City Hall where the annual Nobel Prize dinner is held in the background,

and into the streets decked out with Eurovision flags. 

We had tickets booked for the Abba museum and its special ‘Good Evening Europe’ Eurovision exhibition, so headed off in that direction. 

We couldn’t resist stopping on the way  for lunch at Strandbryggan SeaClub with its stunning views 

and the unexpected delight of a new rose edition of White Moet to enjoy. 

I took the opportunity to check out a few potential boat options for Brisbane and narrowed it down to these two favorites. Stuart felt the black one may be a little too special ops (I quite fancied myself standing in the cockpit zooming up the river pretending I was on a mission) so it looks like the wooden Riveria inspired option gets the votes. 

Now everyone had been telling us that an absolute must do was the Vasse museum, an old 16th century warship that was recovered and restored. Despite it being a great illustration of one our favorite business mantras ‘fail fast’ – it sank 20 mins into its maiden voyage – it was such a beautiful day  we decided staying out and enjoying the sunshine was a much better option, so this was as close as we got. 

Instead we enjoyed a stunning walk through the park, with spring blooms everywhere you looked. 

After a great time at the ABBA museum (more about that in another post) we headed out for dinner, confident as the sun set that we’d truly embraced the gift of this stunning day to enjoy Stockhom. 

Newer Story:

My Eurovision highlights

May 15, 2016

Older Story:

Some days are not easy

May 12, 2016

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