On your bike for Very Special Kids!

Very Special Kids is an organisation which provides respite care for kids with life threatening illnesses, as well as support services for their families.

APHS have supported VSK for many years now, after being introduced to their great work and the invaluable service they provide by close friends of Stuart and mine.

One of the major fundraisers on the VSK calendar each year is the 24-hour Treadmill Challenge, where 30 corporate teams run or walk on a treadmill for 24-hours straight in a marquee out the front of the VSK in Malvern in Melbourne. APHS participated in this for the first time last year, and were blown away by what a fantastic event it is. Not only does it raise a tremendous amount of money, but it’s also an event people truly enjoy being part of. There’s a pumping disco beat running for the full 24-hours to power the runners on, pink lighting and huge smiles on the faces of everyone there.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to participate last year.


(For all those who may be about to make comments about my devil horns I just want to point out they are actually piggy ears, to align with the other major VSK fundraiser, Septembers Pink Piggy Bank appeal; also the reason behind the rather flattering pink lighting!)

Everyone on team APHS goes that little bit harder both in the physical exertion and the fundraising because of the personal connection. We are all doing it for Jack and his mum Lisa, dad Jason and brothers Harry and Sam. Jack’s had 60 stays at VSK in the 15 years of his life, and it’s truly a home away from home for him where he can receive fantastic care and support from the beautiful carers he knows and loves, while his family have a much-needed break from the really hard daily challenges that living with a child with serious illness entails. Jack came down and cheered the team on last year, and no doubt will be doing the same this year


This year it’s Stuart’s turn, and given his love of a great costume is well known throughout APHS, it’s no surprise that the fundraising includes a fancy dress challenge. He and Andrew Wells, GM of Pharmacy Services at APHS and also a great friend of Jason and Lisa and their family, have been spurring on their fundraising with offers to wear all manner of mad outfits on their spin bikes.

(Yes, Team APHS is mixing it up this year with moving from the treadmill to the newly introduced spinbike option. Let’s hope some of those costumes are well padded!!)

If you would like to see Stuart dressed as a ballerina or Robin Hood, or Andrew as a pink PowerRanger (at least he’ll match the lighting!) or a princess, vote with your $$ and make it happen!

Vote for Stuart by clicking here.

Or Andrew here.

Promise I’ll keep you updated, and there will be pics!  Go Team APHS!!

Newer Story:

Vegas Vow Renewal

May 28, 2014

Older Story:

24-hour treadmill challenge pictures

May 26, 2014

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