Category: Wearable Tech

An exercise in entrepreneurship

After spending the majority of the past 18months sitting on my bum feeling sorry for myself after last years trampolining accident, the time had come to get over myself and get back to a proper exercise routine. The motivation was two fold, not only was said bum providing a progressively larger seat due to the […]

Introducing Medication Manager

It’s been an exciting week for the Epic Digital team as we unveiled our new Medication Manager product to a group of industry colleagues.    We established Epic Digital late last year as a specialist business focused on delivering technology solutions that connect healthcare professionals with each other and their patients, with a goal of […]

An Epic start to the new financial year!

When we told our Epic team in December 2014 that our coming move into the wider Icon Consolidated Holdings family would provide an outstanding growth platform for them to channel their hunger for expansion and new challenges into, even we didn’t anticipate that it might eventuate quite this quickly! After formally starting our new life as […]