Category: Travel

Dancing with Dior

Sascha and I arrived at Longchamp Racecourse for the Dior Spring Summer ’19 Show excited but also a little confused. The location suggested a continuation on the equestrian theme of the Cruise collection, but the teaser Instagram posts of the past few hours hinted at a dance theme. Once we made our way to the […]

An Easter visit to New York City

Spending Easter in New York has become one of our family traditions, and over the years our itinerary has modified as the kids have got older.   There are some things that never change. There’s always a night at Madison Square Garden singing the goal song when the Rangers score, returning there to cheer on the […]

How a bike that goes nowhere transported me back to fitness

As a super uncoordinated kid with no visible aptitude for any sport I ever tried it’s fair to say I was never what you’d consider a natural athlete. Team sports were never my thing – no one wants to be the person who causes the rest of the team to emit an involuntary groan when […]

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