Category: Epic Good

The joy of reading

I have always loved to read and for as long as I can remember books have been a constant companion. One of my earliest childhood memories involves Mum picking me up from kinder after doing the grocery shopping, and discovering The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton during the car trip home -no child restraints […]

A traineeship that did more than ‘train’, by Anita Heiss

This is the first ever guest post on my blog, and I’m delighted that it’s written by Anita Heiss, super talented author, Manager of the Epic Good Foundation, and a very good friend of Stuart and mine.   Glenn MacDonald is a talented boxer who has aspirations to work in film and television. He has […]

Why I’d like to see us change the date of Australia Day

I just don’t feel the same about Australia Day any more. I used to enjoy it as a day celebrating how happy I was to live in this great country, with the way we spent the day highlighting some of those things – enjoying one of Queensland’s beautiful beaches, and the sun, surf and sand […]