A new chapter begins

After a very busy weekend our new office is ready for action!

The IT team are always a crucial part of any move, and have worked tirelessly all weekend to make sure everyone has computers, phones and printers live and ready for the first day. The guys have had a huge month, with this move coming hot on the heels of the relocation of our largest Aged Care Pharmacy team only two weeks ago, but they still not only got the job done but did it with the fantastic friendly, helpful attitude that all the Epic sites know and love – showing exactly why they always score heavily in the peer nominated Epic Awards each year!

Another person who has had a massive month is our Infrastructure Manager Mark, who was running these two big relocation projects simultaneously. In both instances, not only has everyone and everything has ended up in the right spot, but layouts and workflows have somehow been enhanced along the way as a result of all of his hard work and planning.

The new office has loads of natural light, which I always feel has a positive impact on the way you feel, and lots of great collaborative spaces for people to catch up.

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It’s been great to see how excited the Epic team have been about the opportunity to work more closely with their colleagues at Icon and ROQ, and we know that this is reciprocated in those businesses too. To help everyone get to know each other and to start creating our new blended culture, we’ve been working on a few things that were included in the welcome packs that two of our junior team members distributed over the weekend.

‘Bright Spark’ is the newest addition to our team of culture characters, and comes with a velcro dot on his back to pop on your screen as an indicator that you’re working on something that requires all your concentration — a nice way of flagging that you don’t want to be interrupted unless it’s super urgent.

We recognise we all need to think a little differently than we have previously as the three businesses come together, so one of the other inclusions is a group membership to Lumosity, the brain training program used by over 70 million people worldwide to help build those new neuronal connections!


Of course our KeepCups have made the move with us, and been dressed up with new bands which incorporate all 3 brands. We’ll miss our much loved Mansfield coffee man Dave, but are looking forward to hitting the streets of South Brisbane, KeepCup in hand, to discover our local favourite coffee houses.


I don’t know how much this little guy is going to contribute to our culture, but he’s a super cute representation of the three brands!

We’re also really excited to be introducing some new tech that allows us to regularly take a pulse check, and see how people are feeling. We were at a meeting last month with one of our long term clients, Wesley Mission, who have just started using the Happy or Not stands in some of their facilities. We were immediately intrigued, and thought this provided the perfect way to initially check how people were feeling about their new homes at both South Brisbane and Annerley before we expand its use across our other sites.

We’re so pleased with the way the new office has come together. It’s taken a huge amount of work and planning, and we’re very grateful to those people and teams who have put so much effort into delivering such a fantastic result. There will no doubt be some teething problems, there always are with projects of this magnitude, but I have no doubt that they will be quickly resolved and this new location will provide an epic launching pad for the next stage of our business activities.


Newer Story:

The Epic Culture Creatures

June 14, 2015

Older Story:

The Epic Pharmacy #bigmove is underway!

June 06, 2015

5 comments on “A new chapter begins

  1. Congrats on the successful move and the introduction of ways to enrich and support the working life. LOVE the bright spark idea! Enjoy the opportunity to do the ‘cafe crawl’ in Southbank!

    1. Thanks Anita! Had a fantastic Greek lunch at 5 Sisters today, its definitely going on the favorite list!

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